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I originally came here because I respected pg's technical expertise, enjoyed a lot of his writing, and initially enjoyed an actual (and fleeting) "hacker" community.

Since then, I've periodically left HN for periods of time because of the disappointing shift in focus from science and tech to "entrepeneurship", whatever the hell that is.

Now half the posts I filter past are frankly just advertising, or "SEO" in various guises, people selling their useless web app, pushing their own affiliate links, breathless chortling over the lastest gray areas to investigate for reducing their taxes, or promoting their own blog. For a while there, we were even getting almost daily front page reposts of Wall Street Journal editorial psuedoscience.

I suspect there's a big chunk of us here who really could not possibly care less about getting rich quick.

I think there's a fine line to walk. "Hacking", if that's still what this place is about, means an intense curiosity to understand, the joy of discovery, and an equally intense desire and joy in creation. I don't see HN reflecting that as much anymore.

I have the exact opposite experience. When I started reading here maybe 2 or 2.5 years ago, it was mostly about starting and running software businesses - all aspects of it, from interesting programming problems to HR and taxes. It was a refuge from the JoS 'Business of Software' boards when they started going down the drain.

Nowadays, it seems like there are much more people complaining about how articles about economics or making money aren't 'hackery' enough. It's what I dislike about Reddit for the few time I read it; HN is (used to be?) full of people who either run or want to run software businesses, and want to provide actual value with software (and have it validated by getting people to pay for it) rather than doing some code experiments for the fun of it with no other users than themselves in mind. There are many 'programmer' forums, the amount of 'software business' forums is minuscule.

Okay, point taken. But now ask yourself whether the following are things that you're looking for in the "software business" forum you describe:

advertising, or "SEO" in various guises, people selling their useless web app, pushing their own affiliate links, breathless chortling over the lastest gray areas to investigate for reducing their taxes, or promoting their own blog

- advertising: yes (I'm assuming this is 'how to do advertising', not 'advertising for someone else's product)

- SEO: yes (same)

- people selling useless web app: this is just how you look at it; in many cases, it's people who want feedback on their experimental ideas. Which I think is fine.

- ppl pushing affiliate links: no, but they didn't used to be here, either

- tax optimisation: yes

- blog promotion: as long as they're blogs on the topics of the forum, yes

Many things on the list are described in a negative way, so it's only natural that they're undesirable. But I don't see them that often (like affiliate links - they're quite rare as far as I can tell) and I used to think that Youtube was useless, too.

I think you were seeing what you wanted to see. As an example, I came here because of the great Entrepreneur community, twice as long ago as you came here for the comp sci.

Out of curiosity... since HN is a news forum attatched to a capital investment funds' webpage, then why shouldn't it be entrepreneur focused?

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