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> price $400ea

I'm pretty sure I had mine priced at about a nickel for the majority of it. Did you really get them up to $400?

Yep. I wanted to keep most of my production in inventory to prep for Stage 3. My Marketing was Level 24, and I was still selling more than enough to cover wire costs.

IIRC I had to jack the price up because my demand was way outstripping supply. Once you get the mega auto clippers it brought my price back down to around 20 cents.

It was annoying clicking the raise/lower price button that many times, as you can make this mistake without realizing the source of your problem (raising the price feels like the right thing to do). There should be a +/- 10 added at some point.

On a similar note, I accidentally converted about 250k drones back into paper clips last night. The layout moved for some reason while I was clicking. Not my favorite.

Agreed. Once you hit it once, you can hold ENTER to keep clicking it, but that can still take a long time.

This trick came in very handy when I came back to the game last night.

I had figured I could trigger the button somehow from the keyboard, but for whatever reason I never picked up that it was the Enter key that did it.

I'm sure I tried it. I think maybe it was because hitting enter doesn't trigger the button animation.

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