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Lightspeed Summer Fellowship: Your Questions Answered (lsvp.wordpress.com)
13 points by pushpins on April 13, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

There were a lot of questions and concerns about this (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2380567) in the original post on why LSVP gives away money, office space, etc. in exchange for no equity. John Vronis - who runs the program gives a really good explanation of this here.

John is honestly a great guy and we had an excellent experience with the program. I'd highly recommend Lightspeed for anyone looking for an alternative to the summer incubator route (though it's important to be aware that, as John states in the blog post, it's NOT an incubator.)

I did the program last summer and John was our team's mentor. He was really helpful in brainstorming idea and mentoring. We had a really good experience!

John is incredibly helpful and smart. He takes a risk offering the program without any guaranteed upside for himself or Lightspeed. Genuinely generous.

Lightspeeds summer incubator has the best of both worlds you get space to work on your venture and money to live off of while you're out enjoying CA.

Just curious - is the office space at the LSVP Sandhill offices?

There's an office building right next to LSVP's offices, and they have an entire suite there that the teams use. It's actually a great space, although when we were there the AC was off during nights/weekends.

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