A random fun note about how Peter Molyneux was able to start Bullfrog, sourced from Wikipedia[0] and mentioned in this blog's previous post[1]:
Molyneux tried to sell a game years earlier but failed so instead started a baked bean export company called Taurus Impex Limited. Commodore International mistook it for Torus, an established networking software company, and offered to provide Molyneux with ten free (still unreleased) Amiga systems. Taurus then designed a database system for the Amiga and the profits let Molyneux and Les Edgar found Bullfrog Productions.
Molyneux tried to sell a game years earlier but failed so instead started a baked bean export company called Taurus Impex Limited. Commodore International mistook it for Torus, an established networking software company, and offered to provide Molyneux with ten free (still unreleased) Amiga systems. Taurus then designed a database system for the Amiga and the profits let Molyneux and Les Edgar found Bullfrog Productions.
[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Molyneux#Early_career
[1]: https://www.filfre.net/2016/06/peter-molyneuxs-kingdom-in-a-...