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Cool, so all the 1k demos/intros from Assembly (https://archive.assembly.org/2019/1k-intro) could also be distributed via QR code... the 4k intros unfortunately not. Maybe it's time for a new category ;)

Or a QR-code paging system.

(I feel a little evil for even suggesting that)

The most interesting applications I've seen of QR-codes have been the most wildly impractical or useless.

When I still used my Pebble watch, my favorite watch face was just a QR-code of the time. So to tell what time it is, you have to scan your watch with your phone.

I love that idea. I couldn't resist mocking one up in Python:


I love that it updates every second. It makes it that much harder to actually use.

“Scan Code 22 and Press Button to Continue.”

(If you want to take a guess at what I'm referencing, spoiler alert — the URL itself contains a clue: https://web.archive.org/web/20160129014847/http://i.emezeta.... )

> https://archive.assembly.org/2019/1k-intro

Had to add a security exception only to receive

    404 Not Found

You can find the prod executables on https://files.scene.org/browse/parties/2019/assembly19/1k and the placement list and Youtube captures (many prods require quite a hefty GPU to run so YT is the option if you're on a weaker laptop) via http://www.pouet.net/party.php?which=7&when=2019


Or bigger QR codes.

Could you plausibly make it a URL where the code in the URL is assembled and run using webassembly?

The point is to not rely on a server to host anything though. That the QR contains the data itself, not just a URL pointing to the data. Otherwise it is no different from any other QR code that has a URL in it.

The suggestion, I think, is to put the code in the URL itself, not use the URL as a pointer.

You could probably use a data: URL to avoid needing a server at all, but if not, the server would just provide a launcher and not host the application code.

If the binary data is too big to fit in QR, then URL encoding is only going to require more bytes, and it will not fit either.

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