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The Vaccine that has already gone through normal stage 2 trials ensuring safety? All this talk about a vaccine being 'rushed' is so anti-science, it's a joke. The vaccine may certainly be ineffective or undereffective if rushed through phase 3 trials, but the idea it'll be unsafe is hogwash.

Stage 1 and 2 trials establish safety in generally healthy people. Stage 3 is primarily to establish efficacy, but is also vital to establish safety in the broader population, including among people with existing diseases.

For their own safety, unhealthy people are not generally admitted into stage 1 and 2 trials.

Curtailing stage 3 testing for political gain is dangerous.

22 CASE STUDIES WHERE PHASE 2 AND PHASE 3 TRIALS HAD DIVERGENT RESULTS: https://www.fda.gov/media/102332/download

8 of those 22 are for "lack of safety"

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