as to how clangd sees your current translation unit, it comes down to the compile_commands.json (which is per-TU settings) or the more general compile settings in the config file(s) ( If you need to change your TU settings, you could have a simple scheme that symlinks compile_commands to different files depending on build type and then restart the server. I've not typically needed to do this (I tend to just stick with a debug build compile DB...), but it's something you could do pretty easily.
There is one clangd process per editor process. If you have multiple projects with distinct compile_commands you might be able to come-up with a scheme to switch between DBs and relaunch clangd. Alternatively, you could try merge all compile_commands together, but I'm not sure the effort would be worth it -- just running separate vims seems like it makes the most sense to me.
For switching between branches, you can typically regenerate the compile commands DB pretty easily (if you use cmake...), but it's really only necessary if there are big differences in files and/or compile settings between branches.
There is one clangd process per editor process. If you have multiple projects with distinct compile_commands you might be able to come-up with a scheme to switch between DBs and relaunch clangd. Alternatively, you could try merge all compile_commands together, but I'm not sure the effort would be worth it -- just running separate vims seems like it makes the most sense to me.
For switching between branches, you can typically regenerate the compile commands DB pretty easily (if you use cmake...), but it's really only necessary if there are big differences in files and/or compile settings between branches.