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Yes, click the timestamp on the comment and you'll see the full range of actions.

Yes, click the timestamp on the comment and you'll see the full range of actions.

Very interesting, after the very active recent discussion about discoverability in user interfaces.

It's like HN hired someone from the iOS design team to come up with the notion of "timestamp" = "favorite."

Another way to look at it is that "timestamp" = "permalink", which is a fairly common pattern (I'm not trying to imply that it is intuitive, just that it is common). Once you are at the permalink you have a range of options available to you.

Same, as a permalink. I'll bookmark the permalink then run it through archive.org using a simple addons of mine, in case HN goes down I will have an archive backup.

If it were iOS design, the favorite button would only appear when you rotated your device.

Putting more stuff under the permalink page linked from a timestamp is a web tradition that's older than HN. I don't know if it's good, but I do notice when I can't click a timestamp. Even Twitter and Facebook abide it.

I didn't know that. This was very helpful. Been here for a while too (a few years passive read prior to making an account).

My god, after a decade. Thank you.

Ah, nice. Thanks.

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