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I'm on 10k+ karma and I literally didn't know it existed.

20k+ karma here and same. I haven't favorited so much as a single article. Didn't realize it was an option.

So the top favorited list is probably biased in some way towards the type of people more likely to discover and use this feature. I just don't know exactly what that entails.

I've noticed these and that's probably only because I trained myself to look carefully at stuff (that was a lot of work too). Small, light grey font on a beige background, well, what did HN expect.

Yeah, that's a separate but related issue: HN's UI is too low contrast to the point of posing an accessibility issue. It kind of tells you everything you need to know about YCombinator (and maybe SV VC in general) that its biggest watering hole doesn't make even this basic concession towards accessibility.

I agree but HN does work rather well without JS enabled, so credit where credit's due.

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