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Is this the kind of example you were looking for?

    with Ada.Text_IO;                    use Ada.Text_IO;
    with Ada.Containers.Bounded_Vectors;

    procedure Main is
       package BV_Integer is new
         Ada.Containers.Bounded_Vectors (Index_Type   => Positive,
                                         Element_Type => Integer);
       use BV_Integer;

       Vec_Max : constant := 10;
       Vec     : Vector (Vec_Max);
       Put_Line ("Appending some numbers...");
       for I in 1 .. Vec_Max loop
          Vec.Append (Integer (I));
       end loop;
       Put_Line ("Appending another number...");
       Vec.Append (Vec_Max + 1);   --  this raises an exception.
    end Main;

Yes, thanks. Perhaps I was just missing Vec : Vector (Vec_Max);. I'll give this a go on GNAT some time.

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