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Finland's new Covid app downloaded almost 1M times in one day, population 5M (thl.fi)
6 points by SebaSeba on Sept 1, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

That's quite impressive. I looked up the German Corona app on the play store and they have 5 Million total installs on a population of 80 million. The Apple store doesn't say.

I'm guessing we don't reach 20% though that Finland did in a day. While 42% of Germans said they would install the app [1]. There's a total of 17.5 million downloads (not installs) that puts an upper bound on current users [2].

I just wish there was more cooperation. In the EU at least there are so many apps and everybody is on vacation right now, limiting the usefulness of these apps.

[1] https://de.statista.com/infografik/22008/befragte-zur-nutzun...

[2] https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/1125951/umfra...

Yeah, optimally the app should have been global from the first place. For example if we consider the second wave of the epidemic, which in Finland showed signs of starting (but hasn't really started) straight couple of weeks after travelling abroad opened to several countries and then when the travel restrictions were put back on etc. immediately the contaminations went down again, so they were mostly just coming with people coming from abroad. Perhaps those peoples possible contaminations would have been possible to target already way before with a global app.

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