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This is why I highly doubt cryogenic frozen brains will be revivable.

The current brains are totally lost. Maybe a partial image of memories could be recovered when we understand more about the process but I wouldn't count with it.

But if tomorrow we would found a suitable antifreeze in some obscure creature that is not rejected by the body and does not damage the cells, this is a game changer. To be able to put the body just about to freeze but not further... that would be awesome.

Would be a key to 1-hibernation and long term space travel, 2-increase life expectancy slowing the metabolism and this mean slowing cancer also, 3-increase in the range of temperatures that humans can stand without suffering chill burning and losing fingers.

De-thawing would be still a brutal process. Not all cells would survive.

Well, I doubt the revival process too but the freezing bit might be ok if it was done expertly well.

My understanding was that ice crystal length was also related to time taken to freeze.

IE freezing faster produced smaller crystals that don't then damage the cells so much.

We have a liquid nitrogen icecream shop that exploits the shorter crystal length to make "creamier" icecream while you wait. Not exactly how I'd want my brain frozen but hopefully the cryogenic experts know a way.

That sounded really expensive but apparently it can be as cheap as $0.50/gal, and about 1 gallon of liquid nitrogen will freeze 1 gallon of liquid cream, and 1 gallon of premium ice cream has maybe $5 worth of ingredients, so I suppose it would probably work out plus or minus an order of magnitude. Neato!

Yeah, liquid nitrogen is not that expensive despite how exotic it sounds.

But it really does need to be handled appropriately. For example, while you can put it in a simple thermos flask you shouldn't be in small enclosed spaces with it. IE elevator/car.

The liquid expands to quite a lot of gas and might force out all the standard air taking the oxygen with it.

But mainly it is about 'freeze burns'.

My wife(science lab manager) cringes at the lack of safety glasses and gloves at the ice cream shop.

They plonk ingredients into an open top mixer/blender and then pour the liquid nitrogen in while it is running!

Edit: tweaked wording.

If we can clean up old images surely we can fill in the gaps in our brains with ML :)

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