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Sushi. Never eat "fresh" sushi. The reality is that fish destined for or sushi, other that tuna, is always hard frozen for a considerable period of time to destroy not just bacteria but a whole variety of parasites. It does work. Do not fall into the belief that freezing is not effective. Freezing is a common part of health codes for good reason. (It is also why I personally stay away from some forms of "fresh" fish.)


"Parasite Destruction for Raw Fish: Seafood products to be served raw must: Have been frozen at a temperature of –20°C (-4°F) for 7 days or below –35°C (-31°F) for 15 hours, to destroy parasites that might be present."

But then if you go to Tsukiji fish market in Japan they will serve you fresh seafood raw and this happens probably hundreds of thousands of times a year.

I assume they don't serve salmon there though because of the risk? That's the reason it wasn't eaten raw before Norway got involved.

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