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Yeah, exactly. There was something I was reading/watching the other day that was advising that you not trust information unless it comes from a credible/legitimate source. But isn't that the problem? I mean, a large percentage of the US thinks that Fox news is a credible source (including our President...). People think they're doing research by watching videos on YouTube.

I don't really know how you fix this either. It seems to me that it's not whether you're ABLE to think critically that's the problem, it's whether you WANT to. It feels like a large portion of our population just doesn't want to put in the effort.

Exactly. But also remember that watching YouTube videos can be good research. The medium isn't important, but you need to be careful that the content is coming from a reputable origin and cross-reference with independent sources. Typing the fact that you want to be true into the search box and watching the first 3 videos is not good research.

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