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I thought I was a capitalist growing up, but these days I think my political affiliation is more likely just 'hacker'.

Anyways, as thought experiments, I have been toying with the idea of limiting company size to 150 people, based on dunbar's number, which would guarantee distributed ownership and accountability. By keeping group size small i think it's harder to cheat and waste social capitol.

And secondly, I have been thinking of requiring companies to distribute a certain percentage of revenue to employees for a tax break. Since 60+% of federal income is via earned income, it makes sense for the government to encourage this sort of income anyways. I also think this might align executive interest with their employees and help us make earned income more attractive. I am not really sure it's fair that capital income, like dividends and sale of property should be flat taxed at 15-20%, while hard working people are effectively taxed at 30-60%. ( don't forget about the employment/ SS tax which your employer pays, or in the case of a consultant they pay entirely. )

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