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I agree. Same for the Dalai Lama. He was once Tibetan but today he is Chinese. That’s just how it has worked and does work, like it or not.

Obviously being in exile I have no idea what passport he carries of if he gets to issue his own given he contends the current government, etc.

The difference is that the Dalai Lama is alive and presumably has an opinion on this.

It think Austria is proud of their Salzburg heritage and China (CCP) works really hard to tear down the Tibetan culture.

Han Chinese children have to learn Tibetan in school:


I think that rumors of cultural oppression in Tibet have been vastly exaggerated

He holds an Identity Certificate[1] issued by the Indian passport office, but no passport.

[1] https://portal1.passportindia.gov.in/AppOnlineProject/online...

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