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Maybe the issue they are doing too much dev and less contact with real users. You can unit test all your code but you can't cover all possible real data, so you need to accept user feedback. Sometime ago in one of our products there was an issue with RTL languages, as a developer it was first time I hit this concept, I got the report, I informed myself, I fixed the issue,the ticket was closed,the user was happy. In this case it is clear the developer assumed that they can always find someone picture, the assumption is wrong but probably all the TDD and good dev practices won't catch this issue until someone listens to the user reports.

I think they are passive aggressively telling you something essentially. The public complaints bin would wind up such a useless cesspool of entitled idiots and nuts complaining about "bias" because it doesn't conform to their warped worldview or issues that aren't even theirs like slow boot times. Actually processing that would be a massive sisphyean task with little actual gains from it. You know the "fire your bad 20% of customers that take 80% of your time" advice? Their numbers at large are looking far worse so just didn't hire them preemptively essentially. Strategically it makes no sense to do so.

Google does offer a feedback button in the knowledge panel. However, I assume they are unlikely to take any actions unless there's at least a certain amount of agreeing feedback.

I am wondering if they also put an algorithm to decide when "a certain amount of agreeing feedback" is reached. But TBH compared to other search engines Google is much better in general, my doubts are on the "summary" Google is doing presenting stuff as fact instead to just link you to the source directly.

^ exactly this.

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