First - Bonuses? For many developers bonuses are not motivators, or not as great a motivator, as ego boosting recognition. (Don't have sources for this at hand).
Second - Social is what Facebook does/is. It is not a secondary goal, a necessity in a strategic space. For example, there was Google notebook. It withered, but evernote keeps going. Notes everywhere is what evernote does/is.
We've seen this play before: a company becomes dominant in a particular field, upstarts are innovating elsewhere, dominant company chooses to respond. Film at 11.
First - Bonuses? For many developers bonuses are not motivators, or not as great a motivator, as ego boosting recognition. (Don't have sources for this at hand).
Second - Social is what Facebook does/is. It is not a secondary goal, a necessity in a strategic space. For example, there was Google notebook. It withered, but evernote keeps going. Notes everywhere is what evernote does/is.
We've seen this play before: a company becomes dominant in a particular field, upstarts are innovating elsewhere, dominant company chooses to respond. Film at 11.