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12k? Never heard of. Let's go with 8k, which is 7680x4320.

Assuming our current standard of 8 bits per color with no alpha (3 bytes per pixel), which may be too low if you care so much about your monitor, your required bandwidth becomes:

7680 * 4320 * 3 * 1000 = 99532800000

99532800000 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 = 92 gigabytes per second of bandwidth you will consume just to pump stuff to your monitor. Better not use integrated graphics!

To give a comparison, here's 4k@60hz:

3840 * 2160 * 3 * 60 = 1492992000

1492992000 / 1024 / 1024 = 1423 Mb/s.

Also notice that 8k monitors already employ tactics such as "visually lossless compression" (which means: lossy compression but they think you won't notice) and other stuff aimed at trying to not really submit full frames all the time.

Forget your 12k. It will only be useful to increase your energy bill.

Edit: fix calculations.

In real life it would be subsampled 4:2:0 and 1000hz is nonsense because it's not divisible by 24 or 30. So a more reasonable 8k@960hz 4:2:0 is (76804320960) * (8 + 2 + 2) = ~356Gb/s or only 35.6Gb/s if you pick a reasonable 96Hz.

By 960Hz even a lossless delta coding scheme on the wire could reduce the bandwidth by over 10X for any normal footage.

But then if you add some kind of encoding to reduce the bandwidth you sacrifice the monitor response time that a gamer who wants to run doom @ 1000fps would demand, because decoding takes some time.

> 12k? Never heard of. Let's go with 8k, which is 7680x4320.

If you have a few million dollars to spare, you could jump to 16k: https://www.techradar.com/news/sonys-16k-crystal-led-display...

> 92 gigabytes per second of bandwidth

For comparison, netflix was just barely able to saturate a 100gbps (that's gigabits per second, so only 12.5 gigabytes) network link from one computer, and that's just pumping data without having to render anything.

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