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My last CRT Iiyama monitor had quite a refresh rate - 120Hz or more - and the picture looked absolutely gorgeous.

It weighed a tonne and took up quite a lot of desk.

Monitors with high refresh rates (usually 140Hz but up to 240Hz) are quite common among gamers these days.

And worse than CRT in almost every way.

Mass? Real estate? Ergonomics? Power consumption?

Also no x-rays

Any better than a CRT?

Not every high-hertz LCD will be better than a CRT in every dimension - black levels and off-angle viewing being the two points that a CRT could hope to lead on - but a 120hz OLED, on the other hand...

I have an MSI 32" 2K with 1ms gray-to-gray 144hz refresh rate. My old Philips CRT was 120hz. The new tech is absolutely better.

1ms Gray to Gray means nothing since the move from one color to another is not linear in LCDs

At least it is mouthful.

I'd think so. CRTs could never match the resolution or size what with we see in LCDs today.

CRT did have blurry and distorted image.

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