I agree that the presented view does little to calm me. Yet, while I am an extreme proponent of life extension, death will still come to all.
At the tail end there is only so much energy available and I am pessimistic that basic physics, like heat death of the universe, can be overcome.
However, we don’t even need to reach this tail end. Extreme events happen all the time and on a long enough time scale they become certainty. Maybe we can conquer aging but we are still physical bodies, which will forever be fragile (on the cosmic scale of supernovae and formation of compact objects, but really even on the scale of planetary calamities like sufficiently energetic asteroids or super volcanoes).
Heck, even if we spread everywhere in space, without ftl travel, which I am somewhat comfortable will never happen, we are stuck with the destiny of Milky Way, and that’s a very finite destiny.
At the tail end there is only so much energy available and I am pessimistic that basic physics, like heat death of the universe, can be overcome.
However, we don’t even need to reach this tail end. Extreme events happen all the time and on a long enough time scale they become certainty. Maybe we can conquer aging but we are still physical bodies, which will forever be fragile (on the cosmic scale of supernovae and formation of compact objects, but really even on the scale of planetary calamities like sufficiently energetic asteroids or super volcanoes).
Heck, even if we spread everywhere in space, without ftl travel, which I am somewhat comfortable will never happen, we are stuck with the destiny of Milky Way, and that’s a very finite destiny.