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If you consider three years a long time... [1] Or are you speaking of a particular area with poor sanitation and low vaccination rates in the world?

And to be clear about it, children are not getting it by getting vaccinated, unvaccinated people can get it from recently vaccinated ones.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polio_vaccine#Vaccine-induced_...

In the US it's been the case since the 70s, with the last wild type polio case in 1984 and vaccine derived polio cases up until 1999. [0] [1].

Then in 2000, OPV was banned in the US. [2]

But the statement, while true, is misleading because of its intention to discredit the use of vaccines at all. Just check the graphs linked before the introduction of the vaccine. Night and day, as horrible as the vaccine caused cases are.

[0]: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00045949.htm#00001...

[1]: https://www.virology.ws/2015/09/10/why-do-we-still-use-sabin...

[2]: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/public/index.html

That just got a post COVID doomsday scenario playing out in my head, I had never considered being contagious due to being vaccinated.

My understanding is that the vaccination candidates are all taking some other virus and splicing it to add the coronavirus’s spike protien to it.

The idea is that the body will (hopefully) learn to identify the spike and mount an immune response to that spike protien.

Then, when a real coronavirus comes along, the body responds to the spike protien on that virus.

PS: I’m not in the field, I might have missed some vaccination effort that’s using the real virus itself.

The coronavirus vaccine is unlikely to be a live attenuated one, or if it is it will most likely be one that cannot cause the disease.

You are not going to be vaccinated by a weakened COVID virus, so worrying about that is absurd.

I totally get it, that was just a gut reaction, not a valid point of my part.

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