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I originally had this mindset. Still kind of do. But the way of managing things through gameobjects, serializable components, and the scene hierarchy UI is very beneficial when you have non-programmers working on your game with you.

It's annoying when you're a solo dev who wants to handle everything in code, but they're definitely trying to optimize the workflow for a small diverse team rather than for a programmer or group of only programmers.

> And then I have no idea how to predict if any given video or documentation or sample project is out of date.

100% agree with this. I wish I could just buy a comprehensive book on an older version of Unity and stay on that as long as I can. But I can't really find much for more advanced Unity that doesn't exist as a video or GDC talk. (though an exception would be the catlikecoding tutorials)

> the way of managing things through gameobjects, serializable components, and the scene hierarchy UI is very beneficial when you have non-programmers working on your game with you.

honestly it's extremely useful even if you're an experienced programmer working alone. Being able to pause the simulation, move some objects around in space, and then resume the simulation is extremely powerful. Typing out the coordinates into code would: be ridiculously tedious -and- force you to commit to disk (by writing the files) the changes to something you really only need in memory. Being able to play with the state of the simulation by hand is extremely powerful.

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