I dunno, man. The Anti-Butt Brigade must not be the most consistent bunch.
Re: a modus viviendi, though - I'd rather not see Earth become a sex tourism location for the local star systems. After a few generations of selective breeding, we'd all look like Kim Kardashian.
Eh. I see no reason to imagine that extraterrestrials so similar to humans that they'd find any of us sexy, would also be so different from humans that their tastes in such matters never varied. Or, at the very least, that they wouldn't be interested in the range, the sheer butt-buffet our species has to offer, rather than uniformly focused on some Platonic ideal of the dumptruck.
That's what I'd hope, at least. But you're still right that there's a real risk here. Maybe that explains the weirdly targeted flagkill - not that I don't probably know one or two people who'd be here for that in theory, but from where I sit, it is a frightful prospect.
Re: a modus viviendi, though - I'd rather not see Earth become a sex tourism location for the local star systems. After a few generations of selective breeding, we'd all look like Kim Kardashian.