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I agree with you, even thought I might personally prefer Elixir/Phoenix :-)

In my particular case thought I've been opting for Golang given that my web app needs to perform a little more that CRUD. And in regards to the CRUD part I've been heavily relying on PostgreSQL functions, thus instead the pain of a ORM I just have simple raw sql `SELECT * FROM api.get_user_data(?,?);`

I'm not saying that is not possible to to things like this on Ruby, but when your application is a little more than CRUD RoR starts getting on my way...

Sounds like you and I have similar approaches, and I just have more CRUD to manage in my case. For e.g. payment processing endpoints, I use Golang. Managing 3rd party SDKs is nicer in Golang, imo.

I also heavily rely on Postgres views, which ActiveRecord just sees as read-only tables, so my Rails code can still call `user.api_data_entries` without any ORM wrangling.


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