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At my last job I always tried to be quite strict about adding additional dependencies, if something was over 10kb it had to be very strongly justified.

Our designers wanted to add some SVG animations, they started off with Lottie (https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=lottie-web@5.7.2) because they could export directly from After Effects, but I said no chance because of its file size. Briefly considered Greensock (https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=gsap@3.5.0), but it was also too big for the kind of animations we were looking it.

I'll need to double check what we ended up with, but it didn't have any library code, so each animation was just a self-contained bundle of SVG and CSS animation code, and fairly small.

Edit: I asked around and SVGator (https://www.svgator.com/) is what we ended up using.

Too many people don't respect the risk of dependencies.

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