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Let me reveal a little secret. 80% Indians are willing to migrate to USA for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_mobility at $200/month salary.

I don't think so, can you prove your little secret and what social reasons would that be? just curious to know.

The only place where 'India' was mentioned for the link you provided is at the last section towards the end of the page. It just talks about technological advances and how people are related to that, but it doesn't say people are migrating countries because of that.

You could have seen caste (in 1st para), unless you wanted to willingly suppress it.

I really cannot undertand what you are trying to express. I really don't see how 'caste' is linked to the article and your initial comment "80% Indians are willing to migrate to USA...". Please try to understand what the problem is and post comments on how that can be solved, that will make the conversation interesting and live. I am not trying to suppress anything and i see most of the comments here have gone in different directions.

I said in plain English that 80% Indians are willing to migrate to USA or Western Nations at $200/month salary due to lack of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_mobility in India.

I think you need to understand

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_mobility != http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_mobility

At the same time lots of Indian's currently staying in US are migrating back to India. There used to huge difference in earning but the gap is now narrowing down.

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