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Iran missile launch pictures Photshopped (nytimes.com)
42 points by mhb on July 10, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

Thanks for veering it slightly more on topic.

Very cool. Next up: hook it up to a feed of all images released by various governments and new agencies, with alerts when there's a hit.

Not only are they doctoring images, they are making inroads into news sites that have nothing to do with international politics!

I'd rather this link than another TechCrunch post.

I'd rather an empty space than either possibility

don't worry, techcrunch will cover this story any minute now. Just gotta come up with a provocative title so that people will come and read it

They hate our "freedom to talk about hacking computers the business establishment."

Photoshop is hacker related.

It's 2008. It's not "hacker-related" every time somebody uses a computer.

In my defense, it was a news source using a computer, and fooled a lot of "respectable" newspapers in the process.

Someone is trying to make Iran seem a bigger threat than it actually is. It's Iraq all over.. except with much severe and deadlier consequences.

Except in this particular case, the "someone" is Iran itself.

(Or, I should say, the Iranian government. Referring to a nation's government by the name of that nation is a habit we need to get out of, especially in cases like this where the government and the people's interests seem to be largely unaligned.)

These pictures came from a news agency, not directly from the Iranian government.

As to the question of the occurrence of a new round of testing at all, American military intelligence is looking on that rumor dubiously. Russian intelligence is flatly denying it, saying what happened has been mis-characterized. And even the Europeans are only giving tepid support to that allegation.

Frankly if American military intelligence thinks it didn't happen then that's good enough for me. But some people need to hear it from multiple quarters.

A good question would be . . .

Why American and Russian intelligence thinks that what happened has been 'mis-characterized'?

Who 'mis-characterized' it?

And most importantly . . .

To what end?

Actually it is Iraq * 3 in population, area, economy and fanatics.

Edit: But Iran never said it wants to attack anyone, or made any threads besides retaliation in case they are attacked.

Edit: But Iran never said it wants to attack anyone, or made any threads besides retaliation in case they are attacked.

I really don't want to get into a political argument, but you really need to know that this isn't true. Three ways:

a) The Iranian government has been making threats against Israel for a long time, and this has increased since Ahmadinejad took power. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad_and_Israel)

b) The Iranian government has been funding, training, and giving weapons to groups making attacks inside Iraq. At a guess, they've killed thousands of people so far.

c) The Iranian government funds Hezbollah, a terrorist group which attacks Israel.

Of these, Only 'C' is accepted by the American military establishment as being true. Which means, I only accept 'c' as being true. Regarding 'A', go listen to the original speech and learn Farsi. That's the good thing now-a-days, a lot of younger people, those with military backgrounds anyway, know Farsi and Arabic. They will know when they are about to be hoodwinked. As touching 'B' the American military establishment has been consistent in saying that weapons and, more importantly, logistical support have been coming into Iraq from Iran. Not from the IRANIAN GOVERNMENT. It is clear that radicalized people in Iran are behind this in my view. In fact they seem keen to want to avoid the mistake they made in Iraq, getting rid of the government, when the people are the problem. And despite whatever you heard about the middle east, the people really are the problem.

Similarly weapons, money and support for the killing of Americans comes in from Syria, Jordan, and believe it or not, even Kuwait. But, by far, the largest supplier of man and material in the struggle against us pig-eating infidels is from our good friends in Saudi Arabia. Fun fact, there are units in Iraq who have yet to catch a foreign fighter who is NOT Saudi.

Did you know we actually trained some of the most effective foreign fighters in Iraq ourselves? When Chechens were blowing up Russians we thought they were freedom fighters. So they got tacit support, not just from us but from the West in general. Ask any man from Marine one eight and he will tell you about the effectiveness of Chechen snipers in Fallujah.

My point is, from MY point of view, which is clouded from being in an enlisted family as opposed to a commissioned one I'm sure, Iran is only a small part of the problem.

Are you sure about that? Here's a photo showing just the opposite.


I think I saw a graffiti in New York saying USA is a fascist state that drops bombs everywhere, or was that in Europe, or maybe in Brazil... just saying


from the comments:

"I know that these missles are part of a threat to wipe Israel off the map, but now they’ve proved that they have the photoshop capabilities to do it."

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. - Albert Einstein

Whatever those weapons are, they'll probably need good hackers.

They were photshopped by the news agancy. International Herald Tribune and other newspaper showed the real picture from the start: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/07/09/asia/10iran.php

Hmm, except that picture came from a video feed, whereas the other picture came from a still camera. Not enough evidence to decide either way at the moment.

Do we have that actual picture from multiple different news agencies? That should tell us whether the editing was done by the Iranian government or by the news agency.

It's the pixels. They're a dead giveaway every time.

Maybe. But in this case, you can clearly see a pattern on the plumes (the 2nd from the left matches the next, smaller, one to the right)

I'd like to thank you, and everyone, who took my comment seriously.

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