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Can we ban sugary breakfasts too? Captain Crunch, Froot Loops & their ilk should be illegal.

I think another good move here is to ban the use of cartoon characters to promote unhealthy food. It's outright targeting of the population group most vulnerable to this marketing.

In Chile they implemented regulations on the packaging of junk food and they yielded great results. They apparently saw a 25% reduction in sugary drink consumption in the first 18 months [1].

[1]: https://www.eleconomista.com.mx/internacionales/Consumo-de-b...

Not if you are in the USA, maybe if you are in Mexico, although in Mexico the typical breakfast for kids is more like coffee with milk and chilaquiles (tortilla with tomato sauce) which might not be that healthy.

Are they really that bad? I mean Froot Loops are weird but you don't really eat them often?

I had cereal (usually sugary) for breakfast basically every day for about the first 20 years of my life. I don't think this is terribly uncommon. If it weren't for my mild lactose-intolerance I might never have switched to greek yogurt.

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