Technically Scala's inference is not Hindley-Milner since you still have to declare method argument types for JVM interop.
The speed difference between Scala and Clojure has less to do with the static/dynamic gap than the fact that Clojure relies upon reflection by default. However, once you identify your bottlenecks, adding type hints to remove reflection is pretty easy.
A minor nitpick-nitpick: it's not so much that a JVM requirement prevents Scala from using H-M type inference, it's that H-M doesn't work very well with subtyping, which Scala supports for its own O-O reasons. This comment from Martin provides some context:
Technically Scala's inference is not Hindley-Milner since you still have to declare method argument types for JVM interop.
The speed difference between Scala and Clojure has less to do with the static/dynamic gap than the fact that Clojure relies upon reflection by default. However, once you identify your bottlenecks, adding type hints to remove reflection is pretty easy.
Good stuff.