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I’ve almost been exclusively using the GitHub Desktop client as my primary Git Tool and I’m much more comfortable with git now and helping people out. Merge conflicts were super scary, but with VS code markers, it’s a breeze. The desktop tool also makes sure to fetch origin first. If my commit is incorrect, I just use the “revert” button and it lets me fix things. There are a few things like renames and branch deletes that I use the shell for, but I’m happy and more confident in using git since the desktop tool is effective. One thing I hate is the pesky .DS_Store on Mac. No matter how many times I ignore it, it just wants to be a part of my commit.

> One thing I hate is the pesky .DS_Store on Mac. No matter how many times I ignore it, it just wants to be a part of my commit.

Try a global gitignore: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7335420/global-git-ignor...

Sounds like you already committed it before adding it to the gitignore. Here's a fix:


...but this shouldn't be a problem with a good git client such as Fork (git-fork.com) or SourceTree. They show you the changed files and let you select which ones to commit.

I would never commit anything without at least skimming the changes first.

In the GitHub client - if you point it to a folder and say “add repo from existing folder” it automatically makes an “init commit”. So you don’t get a chance.

I’ll keep an eye on it next time.

.DS_Store is mostly a problem for me if I do my first commit without a .gitignore file, on a machine where I don't have a global .gitignore. In those cases you have to explicitly remove already-committed .DS_Store files from the repo before your new ignore settings will take effect.

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