If you just need a simple script to download youtube videos, here's a very basic one I made as a wrapper to youtube-dl.
You'll need to edit the option string to the path you want it to save videos to. I have it set to not download playlists, but you can do whatever you please with the option string.
Just copy the youtube url, mouseover the input field(it will grab the url from the clipboard, and press the get file button. No frills but it works fine for my needs.
You'll need to edit the option string to the path you want it to save videos to. I have it set to not download playlists, but you can do whatever you please with the option string.
Just copy the youtube url, mouseover the input field(it will grab the url from the clipboard, and press the get file button. No frills but it works fine for my needs.
Pastebin of the code: https://pastebin.com/z3kdHcL8
Pic of it: https://imgur.com/a/7QVwou9