> “I asked him if he would come up with a few options, and he said, ‘No, I will solve your problem for you and you will pay me. You don’t have to use the solution. If you want options go talk to other people.’”
Surprises me Jobs would ask this, a demand for options, especially three options is usually a sign of a weak creative director lacking confidence.
I don't find it surprising for Jobs, especially at that younger point in his life. He always wanted control; early Apple, NeXT, late Apple, that remained true across his entire professional life. Wanting Rand to present options is another way of trying to have control over the process, to try to get more influence over what the final product is. It's why Paul Rand wouldn't provide options, he wasn't willing to cede that control; it was Rand's way or the highway.
Surprises me Jobs would ask this, a demand for options, especially three options is usually a sign of a weak creative director lacking confidence.