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I've had the best experience ever since I ditched Google for DDG on my phone, and stuck Reddit on (old) desktop mode with a text wrapping browser. Don't miss Google at all, I only now use it to search for programming stuff.

I've done exactly the same thing over the last month and wish I would have made the change sooner. The mobile web is vastly improved with fewer AMP results and new Reddit is just terrible. :shakesfist:

I've done almost the same thing. DDG, reddit in old mode. Google is now just for maps and stackoverflow related searches. Been at it for 4 months.

+1 for DDG.

If you're still using Google and prefer a more technical approach to your inquiries, maybe it's time for to consider a more refined tool?

DDG isn’t that good. It is time to consider something more refined. DDG isn’t it.

I'm in the same boat, except using i.reddit. how come you use the desktop version?

Using Opera browser, the text reflows to always fit the screen on zoom, so nearly all desktop sites become very legible on mobile at a glance when zooming in, without having to scroll laterally. I keep withing for a FOSS browser with that functionality.

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