I know that you're now probably 22, that you were struggling a few years ago because you had to drop out of school and you had very little experience and were seeking some advice. HNers gave you some good advice at the time too, I believe. Did you go back to school?
But, now you're on HN calling a guy out on his projects like some project nazi because you probably think of yourself as really smart, but your more young than smart.
So, it is ok if this guy starts shit and for whatever reason they dont get completed. Keep plugging.
You're statements calling him out defacto call attention to yourself and what you're doing - so I would recommend getting back to work for that startup rather than posting on HN in the middle of the day.
So, just in the interest of full disclosure - what have you shipped/built/released if, by your own words, this is such a big deal?
Just curious if you're some hyper producing hacker ninjastar or if you just have it out for this particular HNer.