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> The DID stop adding stretch goals/scope creep. Probably because it drew major criticism and they simply found out people would throw even more money at them if they simply kept "releasing" new ships (or rather their concept art).

The new ships/concept art I can kinda understand as the artists basically need to wait for the engine most of the time.

Kinda extreme but still not a scam IMO.

It still feels fairly pyramid-schemey. "Purchase now, with expectation of return if others purchase in the future"

I think it's an unfair comparison only because they make it clear that a "pledge" is to support development of the game. Like getting a keychain from a patreon artist.

But it's ultimately unprecedented, and we are all learning as we go. I doubt there will be a crowd funded game like this again for a while.

AFAIK they actually stated that they could complete it without any more funding.

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