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Using Derek Smart of all people as a source doesn't help. Guy is bitter, jealous and has a rather long history of crazy and putting out unfinished, mediocre games ever since BC3K.

Just look at the latest offering (removed from steam by the looks of it) that was a $99 early access thing started around 2012 I think: http://lodgame.com with a last update 2 years ago.


To be fair, they disabled the Steam store page when the game moved to closed Beta because they are porting it.



The Steam page is still over here.


You may not like him or his games, but at least he's still making games and he has people buying them. So I don't quite know why you have a problem with that when he has made so many games for a very long time now.

As to Star Citizen, well he has been right so far hasn't he? Didn't he say five years ago in July 2015 (I don't have the blog link, but go to his website at www.dereksmart.com) said the game could never be made? At the time they had raised about $85 million. It's not over $300 million and there is still no game. Even with almost $100m in additional investor money.

> To be fair, they disabled the Steam store page when the game moved to closed Beta because they are porting it.

Thanks, didn't know that. However this was 4 years ago based on those blog posts. If we are considering games over-running and not deliverying then I think Derek Smart and LoD are in a very brittle glass house here.

> You may not like him or his games, but at least he's still making games and he has people buying them. So I don't quite know why you have a problem with that when he has made so many games for a very long time now.

You can see a list of the games made here: https://www.metacritic.com/company/3000ad-inc & https://www.metacritic.com/company/quest-online-inc

You cannot help but notice that none of them are well recieved (with only BC Millenium approaching a rasonable score) and most of them are iterations on a similar/ same idea. This, to me, reduces his authority in regards to game development and how it should be done, to basically 0.

> Didn't he say five years ago in July 2015 (I don't have the blog link, but go to his website at www.dereksmart.com) said the game could never be made? > It's not over $300 million and there is still no game. Even with almost $100m in additional investor money.

We still don't know if it will be made or not, work is ongoing, dev is happening and patches are being released. If the makers of Star Citizen go bankcrupt without the game being made then at that point he will be correct.

What we do know is that Star Citizen has a huge scope (And to be fair, it does sound like a lot of that scope is Chris Roberts brand scope creep) and lots of technical challenges, it could (probably will) take 10+ years go make.

Basically my point is that Derek Smart is infamous in gaming circles and, given his history and behaviour, I am shocked anyone would consider him an authoritative, reliable, even vaguely unbiased source.

I remember Derek Smart from my USENET days at the time of the BC3K fiasco.

I would definitely take his claims with some grains of salt. That said, Derek calling it a scam doesn't mean it's not a scam.

> That said, Derek calling it a scam doesn't mean it's not a scam.

Agreed, but neither does it make it a scam. Any input he has on the subject is compromised and basically meaningless as evidence one way or the other. So we really should avoid citing him.

How is that? Everyone who isn't invested in the project is calling it a scam. Heck, even Forbes had a lengthy article about that a few months ago.


So you're saying because it's still in dev and still raising money, so it's not a scam?

> So you're saying because it's still in dev and still raising money, so it's not a scam?

At no point have I weighed in on if it is a scam or not. All I am saying is that citing Derek Smart as an authority on the matter is not really a good idea either way. He is hugely biased and is basically praying it fails.

Citing other, probably less biased sources? Great, go ahead.

The problem these guys seem to have is that it was him who first blew the whistle. So they their dislike of him as an excuse.

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