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I know this has been discussed a million times but seems the consensus is that Chris is actively trying to scam people and not just biting off more than he can chew, running into massive scope creep, and being incompetent?

I'm very peripherally following this story, mainly because it is the Duke Nukem Forever of this age, but my take on this is that after this much time and money how could he not have figured it out?

He's making vastly more money NOT shipping a product than he would have actually completing the the thing, it actually would make a great biz school study. On the scale of tech industry scams, it's also been overshadowed by the many VC busts that delivered even less and pulled in even more funding (looking at you, Magic Leap).

But it has shipped product? This is release notes from a playable build that players are actually playing. It's nothing like Duke Nukem Forever that people are jockeying up only for the latest screenshots, it has a live community of sorts already. Sure, it's not complete, but in the "continuously deployed living game model" and "early access game model" we're starting to see a an even more huge variety in what "complete" even means than ever before.

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