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Early Access Program for JetBrains appCode, Objective-C IDE (jetbrains.net)
11 points by admp on April 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

First impressions after using it for an hour or so:

- code completion destroys XCode, it's much more accurate.

- tabs make everything better.

- code generation is OK, more accessible and better than XCode.

- seems stable, no crashes thus far.

I can't remember waiting as anxiously for a product as I have for this, since the original iPhone. Now the problem becomes taming the expectations that have built up.

At the very least, my fingers should be able to revert to the shortcuts and features they've been used to for the past 9 years.

Amazing! Now i can use jetbrains ide's for android and ios. I've upgraded to xcode 4 and it has been nothing but a pita. Crashing daily, bad builds, still can't figure out the debugger. Having IDE choices are great!

Not sure if I will stick to this IDE in the long run, but it is for sure great that Apple now has some competitor for Xcode...

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