He didn't raise good concerns, he got outraged after reading a HN comment and labeled "pathetic" something he knows nothing about, has no context in, and didn't even spend 5 minutes researching.
This is the correct answer. The difference between the messages I leave for myself in my local merges and my actual commits to the dev branch are night and day.
I'm not sure I'd classify what I read as "outraged" (different people express themselves in different ways, not everyone uses "pathetic" with the same vehemence or vitriol).
That said, that merge log is fairly useless. Whether it needs to be anything other than that, and who generally would see it and whether it's for the person writing it or someone else is something to be discussed, but even in the case it's mainly meant for the author to look back on, is it even succeeding in being useful in that job? I would agree that it appears pathetic, but probably pathetic in a low-cost doesn't really matter way.
But why so offensively?
He raised good concerns