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I find it hard to believe that any experiments would back up that fact. Do people put their fingers in their eyes/nose/mouth when adjusting their masks ?

Surely having everyone wear a mask is more efficient than banning masks because a small fraction of mask wearers would catch covid when readjusting their masks.

I don't find it hard to believe at all. I see people fidget with their masks all the time. Here's the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control saying the same thing:

> There is a risk that improper removal of the face mask, handling of a contaminated face mask or an increased tendency to touch the face while wearing a face mask by healthy persons might actually increase the risk of transmission.


I don't doubt some people could self contaminate, I just highly doubt that the risk of self contamination is anywhere close to the risk of regular contamination due to not wearing a mask.

The answer to "improper removal of the face mask" is "proper removal of the face mask" not "tell people not to wear masks"

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