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Show HN: Kowl – An Open Source WebUI for Apache Kafka with a good UI and UX (github.com/cloudhut)
164 points by weeco on Aug 9, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 32 comments

CMAK, AKHQ, Kafdrop, Kowl, Conduktor, Kafkatool etc.... why are there so many attempts to build a kafka UI? Does each one have its own use case? I'd think that something as large as "Kafka" in the software ecosystem would have a goto defacto standard UI for managing it.

You are absolutely right, there are many options which we looked at before we began with the project. None of existing solutions provided the features we needed:

Authentication and authorization to meet our compliance needs, a satisfactory UI/UX, message streaming with JavaScript filters and a couple more features. We thought we can do better and just started hacking something. There's a lot more to come. I'll create a blog post describing in more detail why we've created Kowl.

Having looked into a couple of these, it seems like they each have their own sort of focus, which makes sense. From my own experience, and talking to other engineers, companies use kafka for: an http replacement that lets subscribers have down time, a way to record and replay time series data, a tool for buffering to some async path, or general pub-sub event bus. Sometimes all of these at once! Each one has it's only operational patterns, so having UIs that focus on these patterns sorta clicks with me.

That said, it's been a while since kafka gained popularity, so it's surprising we've not seen any coalesce into a main contender.

There are also many different UIs for kubernetes.

Our company uses https://github.com/obsidiandynamics/kafdrop it's FOSS. It can also handle AVRO and PROTOBUF messages.

Does your company use both Avro and Protobuf for message serialization? Most places tend to standardize with one or the other and I’m wondering if there is a use case for both.

We use Avro only, just wanted to mention that Protobuf is also supported.

I think if you use open source stuff you will find a lot of Avro, like Debezium. Supporting both so you get best of in-house and external makes sense to me.

I also can recommend https://github.com/tchiotludo/akhq for basic Kafka management

This looks dope, I'll check it out after my vacation for our Kafka clusters. I haven't yet found a decent web interface for Kafka. For cluster overview there's cruise-control but apart from that it all feels too messy and the UX is often more of an afterthought. Thanks for doing this. I hope your enterprise features provide you with sufficient revenue to keep this going. If not, maybe offer a donation button somewhere?

We don't have any expectations or force to make money with Kowl. Besides that we already use Kowl at our company where engineers use it with joy in their daily business. We don't only get valuable feedback from colleagues who use Kowl, but our employer does also sponsor our efforts with working time. If it ultimately turns out to be not profitable at all we will simply open source everything I guess.

I was looking for something like this about a year ago but no open source solution existed. Thank you!

you must not have looked for long, most of the other OSS tools mentioned in this thread exist for several years already.

These ones (stolen from another comment)?

> CMAK, AKHQ, Kafdrop, Kowl, Conduktor, Kafkatool

Maybe if they had been given better, more descriptive, names they'd have been easier to fit

Some of these had more descriptive names, but the apache software foundation doesn't allow names with "Kafka" as part of the name because it's a protected trademark apparently.

I confirm ! I need to rename KafkaHQ to AKHQ : https://twitter.com/akhq_io/status/1240037275565727744 Apache Committee ask to rename the project as CMAK and others ...

Just wondering if there is also a plan to support PROTOBUF? Kowl looks to have a pretty decent UI. Thanks for making this one.

Thanks to @tutbhuf for mention of kafdrop. Will check it out as well.

This looks great. Does it support avro via the schema registry?

No it doesn't support avro yet, but this is being worked on and we think this could be added in 1.2 already! I added a note about the supported message formats in the readme.

It would be great to have this info on the readme

Agreed, added!

Very nice, I think we’ll give it a shot on our test cluster tomorrow, we been looking for something like this, both for ourself, but also for a customer.

Just tried using it a bit. Seems nice and fast. But I am really lacking the ability to inspect message headers. Is that on the roadmap?

Actually we haven't thought about message headers as we haven't used them for so long. Please submit an issue in GitHub and it would be awesome if you describe how you are using headers (what do you use them for?).

I think we should definitely support that.

I use Streams Messenging Manager supports schema registry for avro. Also includes alerts and many metrics and stats

I will stick to using https://github.com/deviceinsight/kafkactl in the shell.

This is amazing, thanks for pointing me to it. I googled around for better tooling but apart from a few "playing around with golang/rust"-cli tools I didn't find anything with better UX than the abysmal shell script tooling provided with Kafka.

Slightly off topic but for the shell in the example what did they export PS1 to get the nice looking solid background color for the host name and current working directory?

Looks like some type of powerline plugin for their shell


Yep, that's powerline (or an alternative inspired by) with an improperly-patched font (which is why it's got the box characters).


Yes that is really helpful

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