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All: don't miss that there are multiple pages of comments in this thread. That's what the "More" link at the bottom of the page points to. Or click here:


This is a stub to gather the replies so they take up less space at the top of the page. Apologies to no-JS users.

What are the chances of adding a rule on "REMOTE for the moment" style tags?

It makes searching annoying and doesn't add much if the job itself has an office location.

As another suggestion for the meantime during Covid: Have a "Who is hiring remotely" version where remote-friendly or remote-only postings go?

I would prefer a different term than "REMOTE for the moment" to make it easier to search for permanent remote jobs.

Something like "Temporary WFH for COVID".

I bet it is also more accurate. I am assuming that many of these temp remote jobs would likely require you to be in living in one of the states they have offices in for legal/logistics reasons. So you likely won't be working remotely in the Bahamas.

I'd be happy with that, basically anything that doesn't say "REMOTE".

- Flexible on location during COVID

- WFH during COVID

- WFH Till 2021 etc etc

I always thought there might be value to having all threads rendered collapsed down to first-level comments.

All too often a first level comment will results in sprawling thread with hundreds of sub-comments. If you want to look thought first level comments first you have to scroll through that entire sub-thread to get there. Not so bad on the desktop but a bit of a pain on mobile.

Have you considered putting pagination links at the top of the threads as well?

It's a good idea, but the plan is to improve performance so we can go back to not paginating at all. HN traditionally just served up large threads the same way as small ones. That seems much better, and I fear making the current workaround too 'nice' since then we might never fix the issue properly.

I agree wholeheartedly with @abtinf that don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

Of course you've said a proper solution is being designed, but in the interim, it's a bit masochistic for us to have to scroll to the bottom of the page just to click through to the next page when the "More" hyperlink could also be added to the top of the page.

FWIW, I've suggested this change before [0], but nonetheless thanks for all you do.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23202515

With respect, if you need pain to justify fixing the issue, why not just shut off pagination?

This middle-state is frustrating even for me as a long-time user who knows about the more button.

Believe me, that middle-state would be even more frustrating.

The challenge is finding time to work on the code.

Do y'all have a bugtracker somewhere with the backing perf issue filed, and do y'all accept PRs?

Not really. There's a list or two, but this issue isn't on them because it's big enough that no one's going to forget it.

We don't do PRs but if people want to request something they can always email hn@ycombinator.com.

I've often wondered if it re-sorts, though. When I press more I frequently see postings that I've already read. Not a big deal!

Yes - I have to say it is a little frustrating that there isn't an easy way to find new postings. Would be great to be able to sort comments by new. Or maybe there's a way to do this with third party services?

I often see this with the pagination on the main page itself, not just the comments

Wouldn’t it re-sort based on votes?

I think floating the "More" link to the top is a great idea for such a valuable recurring thread. In the meantime, I got annoyed and threw together a minimal full-text search to canvas opportunities faster: https://hnjobs.lifeoverip.dev/

Either float the "more" button or bring it to the top, and put a top at the bottom.

are posts in a static order by time posted or does it vary based on upvotes?

Want to be sure I'm seeing new posts when I scroll through.

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