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You mean the apps that Apple was fine hosting on their platform and taking their 30% cut from up until Apple decided to create a first party app that can control your phone and spy on everything you do?

Actually screen time limits are all done locally and sync between your devices. It in no way allows Apple to record what you are doing.

That doesn't distract from the fact that analogous third party apps in this category was wholeheartedly permitted on the App Store until Apple decided they wanted their own app in this space.

So because Apple once allowed spyware they should always allow spyware?

Well, they should have cracked down on that spyware earlier, and their failing to do so until they had a competing app to push both casts their motivation behind banning those apps as suspicious, and calls into question the supposed "quality" of the review process. At worst, they did it to Sherlock competitors. At best, they were negligent, their review process is overrated and does not do enough to protect consumers against spyware. It is on them to justify their poor timing.

So you propose that Apple never crack down on them? Apple loss money by giving away a free alternative instead of taking a 30% cut.

What next? Are you going to complain that Apple made it harder for advertisers to track you?

Apple should have cracked down earlier, simpler as that. The fact they didn't makes them look like hypocrites. I'm aware that it's impossible to go back to earlier and crack down then to not look like hypocrites. So it's important that going forward they are less capricious about enforcing App Store guidelines and don't make themselves look bad.

So the argument went from “Apple harmed a spyware developer” to “Apple should have harmed them sooner”.

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