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>They enjoy the lock in + fees that the app store generates.

That only affects the developer, not the consumer. What does the consumer care about who gets paid the fees.

I keep seeing the App Store framed as a consumer issue rather than a developer one when it's not. The App Store is no question pro-consumer especially when you consider the fact that the "open" web has essentially devolved into using every available toolkit to track users across the web.

I'm not at all interested in giving Facebook yet another platform where they can run amok with native hardware. I'm not interested in cleaning off Bonzai Buddy off my parents and friends phones.

If Apple decided to implement the Push Notification API for Mobile Safari, it would be very beneficial to the users of my forum websites. Now I’m forced to build an app, while my forums users are all happy with the website as it is. They just want push notifications and I’m convinced Apple is holding that back on purpose. I bet there are internal emails about that issue as well.

I hate that half the request for push notifications are used for websites to spam me.

True. Apple could make it impossible to request permission. I’d be okay. As long as users who want it have a way to enable it.

> That only affects the developer, not the consumer. What does the consumer care about who gets paid the fees.

I care if it means the applications are ~40% more expensive than need be.

The consumer cares that Apple engages in routine editorial censorship.

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