As a rule if I feel someone makes an honest apology, I will almost always forgive them, at least if they did something to me (and I try really hard to apply the reverse and apologize sincerely if I think there's even a chance of something being my fault).
What I've found is that I'm far less-willing or able to forgive people for doing things to hurt people that aren't me. For example, I haven't talked to my grandmother in almost 4 years because she said some really racist stuff that would get this post flagged if I repeated it. Do these comments hurt me, a yuppie white dude who's biggest problem is being bored from working at home? No, not really, but it's not just about me, and I feel like "forgiveness" would be insulting to the people who it does hurt.
I'll admit this might be a character flaw on my end, but I also don't see myself changing on that.
What I've found is that I'm far less-willing or able to forgive people for doing things to hurt people that aren't me. For example, I haven't talked to my grandmother in almost 4 years because she said some really racist stuff that would get this post flagged if I repeated it. Do these comments hurt me, a yuppie white dude who's biggest problem is being bored from working at home? No, not really, but it's not just about me, and I feel like "forgiveness" would be insulting to the people who it does hurt.
I'll admit this might be a character flaw on my end, but I also don't see myself changing on that.