Clear your computer's history/cookies, and never use it for distracting/unproductive sites again. Use the iPad exclusively for your unproductive browsing going forward (preferably in a different physical location).
You will be amazed at how quickly it pays for itself (and the browsing experience is better too).
This actually works very well. I don't have an ipad yet, but I do the same thing with my iPhone. In addition to that I also have leechblock(found it in lifehacker) that blocks 3hrs block of time with breaks in between. 8-11, 1-4, 6:30-10:30 and midnight-4am. This way I can't "accidentally" browse HN or other news site during my supposedly productive hours. If I really need a fix, I just browse in my iPhone and away from my computer. It's easier to stop browsing on my iPhone than on my computer.
Email is not unproductive.
Just need to have a discipli e here. I can't aford shuting down the mail client from my laptop. I often need to respond to clients all day long. As i've been so responsive to clients all those year (i usualy respond quickly to my clients emquiriea) that's mean now if i dont respond to an email for say 4 hours....
Email isn't something that has ever been a productivity drain for me, so I haven't considered it much either way (iPad or desktop).
Definitely, I wouldn't recommend ignoring your clients. If most email is a productivity problem for you, but you need to respond to client emails, most email clients will allow you to define special alerts for certain senders as part of email processing rules.
Clear your computer's history/cookies, and never use it for distracting/unproductive sites again. Use the iPad exclusively for your unproductive browsing going forward (preferably in a different physical location).
You will be amazed at how quickly it pays for itself (and the browsing experience is better too).