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I have tried programming in Clojure :) I just prefer strongly typed languages.

Clojure is strongly typed. I think you mean statically typed.

They're orthogonal concerns. C is statically and weakly typed. Clojure is dynamically and strongly typed. PHP is dynamically and weakly typed. Haskell is statically and strongly typed. Java, as the most design-by-committe language ever, manages to be a mix of all four.

Weak typing is when types get automatically transformed like 2 + “3” == 5, “2” + 3 == “23”. Strong typing doesn’t do these types of automatic conversions and throws exceptions or generates a compiler error.

Static typing — types checked at compile time. Dynamic typing — types checked at runtime.

"Strong" typing doesn't mean much of anything and I generally try to avoid using it but slipped up here. When I do use it, I use it as a synonym for static languages with expressive type systems. I prefer statically typed languages.

Strong typing generally does not mean much and everyone seems to be using a different definition. Would you consider Javascript weakly typed? What about Python?

I'd consider JavaScript to be more toward the weak typing end of things, because it does lots of automatic conversions with surprising results. (see, for example, Gary Bernhardt's "Wat?" lightning talk.) I don't think I'd consider it as weak as C, which has things like unions and pointers that let you just sort of fall out of the type system entirely.

I'd consider Python to be more strongly typed than JavaScript. It doesn't do quite so many automatic conversions. For example, in Python, `1 + "foo"` is a TypeError. In JavaScript, it's "1foo". Sadly, `1 == True` in Python, so it certainly doesn't get full marks.

What about Haskell then?

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

    import Prelude (String, (++), show, Int, (==))
    import qualified Prelude

    class Add x y where
      (+) :: x -> y -> y
    instance Add Int String where
      (+) x y = show x ++ y
    instance Add Int Int where
      (+) x y = x Prelude.+ y
    instance Add String String where
      (+) x y = x ++ y
    a = ((1 :: Int) + (1 :: Int)) == 2
    b = ((1 :: Int) + "aa") == "1aa"
    c = ("a" + "aa") == "aaa"

Examples like the last one about Python are why I think it’s approximately meaningless as a descriptor. I don’t see why dynamic languages should have any implicit conversions at all.

Where you store the type information and when you do the type check is a separate question from whether you do the type conversions automatically or not.

I think a more interesting question is typecasts, like happens in languages like Java and C#. These languages are nominally statically typed, but they retains some type information at run-time, so that you can perform run-time type conversions, which requires run-time type checking. Which is the defining feature of dynamic typing.

C# is a little bit more straightforward about being a hybrid static/dynamic language, with its reified generics and dynamic references. But teasing out the details of where, how, and the extent to which Java is statically or dynamically typed would make a decent topic for a master's thesis.

It also hints at a deeper thing that one must be mindful of: static/dynamic and strong/weak are not binary categories. They're not even the extremes of two binary scales. They are somewhat vague descriptions that are meant to serve as useful shorthands for certain sets of choices that one must make when designing a language's type discipline.

But the fact that they're not cut-and-dry terms does not mean that they're meaningless. It just means that one must disabuse oneself of the notion that they're cut-and-dry before one can have a conversation about type discipline that goes beyond a certain level of detail.

You’re muddying the waters. Static and dynamic have a much clearer distinction between them than “strong” and “weak” typing do. These things aren’t binary but that doesn’t mean they are equally descriptive terms.

Java is a statically typed language with late binding implemented through subtype polymorphism and its type system has been explored pretty extensively in the literature.

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