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Hehe I guess this is subjective, but I tend to write mostly in American English, and I tend to use the "modernized" forms of words like monologue, hence monolog. As far as I know most dictionaries recognize it as a valid version of the word, anyway.

Sounds better and shorter than: give me a summary of how your traversed your decision tree to come out with this answer, which to be honest is pretty close to what a monologue actually is

I'm just pointing out that they misspelled it. But thanks for explaining the word to me.

The universal symbol for correcting misspellings is an asterisk and then the correct spelling, not quotes.

s/The universal symbol/The symbol I am familiar with/

Aside from being the symbol I'm familiar with is also the one used most than any other, check any screenshots of people correcting each other online and tell me what is the most used one: https://www.google.com/search?q=grammar+nazi+screenshot&tbm=...

google image search will mostly only show stuff that has been around relatively recently - since google image search started. i was using something like instant messenger before there was a google.

I'm 31, I used asterisk to denote word correction on MSN messenger, as many did too: https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/comments/a4oybq/the_use_o...

What is your point? Your experience is not universal.

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