Brilliant. And incredibly well done. Slow image loads, old internet references, a page counter in the double-digits and a guest book, blinking and scrolling text... utterly fantastic :D
<meta name="description" content=" is a video service on the
World Wide Web that offers hit TV shows including X-Files and Newsradio.
Our extensive library also includes classic TV series and blockbuster movies.
Dial up and start watching now. No CD-ROM required." />
It really is the little touches that make this so awesome. A lot of would-be pranksters settle for the quick first impression hit and then move on. But the deeper you dig here the more fun you find. From the grainy images to the IE and
Netscape buttonsat the bottom its pure 90s
(My favorite bit is clicking on the "Sign our Guestbook" at the bottom)
They also used an open graph meta tag, too. So people can easily share the prank on Facebook, presumably. A little ironic.
<meta property="og:description" content=" is a video service on the World Wide Web that offers hit TV shows including X-Files and Newsradio. Our extensive library also includes classic TV series and blockbuster movies. Dial up and start watching now. No CD-ROM required." />